Kamis, 25 Maret 2021

Important Knowledge For Pregnant Women

Important Knowledge For Pregnant Women - Even though you have done various ways to maintain the health of the baby, what's the point if you don't know the specific health condition of the baby. Therefore, it is not uncommon for us to find pregnant women who are busy maintaining their diet and activities only for the health of the baby they are carrying.

There is an increase in body weight

When you realize that you have gained tens of kilograms of weight during pregnancy, don't be sad! Instead, you should be happy, because this indicates that your baby is growing healthily in the womb. Ideally, you will gain 13 to 15 kilograms of weight during pregnancy.

Well, if this happens, then you can be sure that the baby you are carrying is in good health. However, this figure can vary, depending on whether you were overweight before becoming pregnant or not.

In any case, if you are able to maintain the figure prescribed by your doctor, then you can be sure that the fetus is experiencing healthy growth.

Hormone levels

Every woman who is pregnant, her body will also experience hormonal changes. It is important for you to know that the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body have a very big influence on the overall health of the fetus.

Basically, pregnant women will produce about 400 mg of progesterone. Unlike the growth of the uterus, in order to support a healthy baby, you need about 1,200 grams of estrogen in your body.

Mama's stomach development

It is true that every woman who is pregnant will have a different size and shape of the stomach.

Mama can consult an obstetrician about the shape and size of the stomach to ascertain how the fetus is in health condition. Therefore, it is important for you to have regular consultations with your doctor to find out about the baby's health.

A steady heart rate

Just like humans in general, the fetal heart rate greatly affects the overall health of the prospective baby.

In general, the fetal heart rate ranges between 110 and 160 beats per minute. To monitor and find out the fetal heart rate, you can do it anywhere as long as you have entered the last trimester of pregnancy.

Movement of the fetus in the stomach

Logically, the movements the baby makes are one of the ways the fetus communicates with its mother. Usually this movement begins when you enter the last trimester of pregnancy.

As time goes by, Mama will feel the little kicks from the baby. The nature, type and intensity of movement that pregnant women experience can actually vary from individual to individual and from pregnancy to pregnancy.

However, any form of movement in the uterus is an indication that the baby is receiving the optimal amount of oxygen and other essential nutrients for your little one's growth.

The movement of the baby will decrease before birth

After knowing the importance of fetal movement, then after that you will experience a decrease in fetal movement in the final semester of pregnancy.

No need to worry, Ma, because this actually indicates that the pregnancy and the fetus that you are carrying are in good health.

There is still amniotic fluid

During an ultrasound examination, it is also important for the doctor to know the amount of amniotic fluid in your mother's womb. The amniotic fluid itself has many roles in the fetus, from protection for the fetus to functioning so that the fetus can easily move in the womb.

If the amniotic fluid has run out or if the mother is having amniotic fluid seeping, then this can put you and your baby at risk, causing an infection in the womb. So, those are the seven signs that you can pay attention to when the baby you are carrying is in a healthy condition.

Before doing the check, also make sure that you have maintained a good body condition and diet so that the prospective baby can develop and grow healthily.

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